SA Gorei Karate – Dojo Schedule

For any other questions or queries please contact us, we are happy to assist.

Milnerton (Honbu Dojo)
Adults Monday and Wednesday 18h30-20h00
Children Monday 12h30-13h45 , 14h45-16h45

Visit the Milnerton Dojo page

Johannesburg Dojo
Adults Monday and Wednesday 18h00-19h30
Children Monday and Wednesday 16h45-17h45

Visit the Johannesburg Dojo page

Worcester Dojo
Adults Friday 16h30-18h00
Children Friday 15:30-16:30

Visit the Worcester Dojo page

Malmesbury Dojo
Adults Friday 17h30-19h00
Children Friday 17h30-19h00

Visit the Malmesbury Dojo page

Moorreesburg Dojo
Adults Friday 16h15-17h30
Children Friday 16h15-17h15

Visit the Moorreesburg Dojo page